Home Oral Health Common Dental Emergencies in Bethesda (MD

Common Dental Emergencies in Bethesda (MD

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Dental emergencies in Bethesda could be life-threatening, and may require emergency intervention. Broken, chipped or missing teeth are some of the most common emergency situations. Bethesda dental can fix a chipped or broken tooth by filling it with a resin to preserve it and return it to its original form if necessary.

It is crucial to be aware of your options in times of dental emergency. It is best to not touch the problem but to contact your dentist. If the problem is serious or life-threatening, your dentist will be able to provide the best advice and treatment.

We now will treat the most common dental emergencies in Bethesda.

  1. Avulsed Teeth

Avulsed teeth occur when a tooth is removed from its socket. The time taken to treat an avulsed tooth is dependent on when it was removed. The chance of recovering a tooth depends on how quickly it is treated after being knocked out. Cold compressions are used to treat the nerve and soft tissues. This will help preserve the tooth’s viability for future replantation.

  1. Crown or filling missing

The tooth can be manipulated if it has a missing filling or crown. In this instance, the dentist will remove the tooth and prepare it to be replanted. The temporary filling will be placed by the dentist until the lost or missing tooth can be replanted. Once the tooth is fully healed, a permanent crown or filling can be applied.

  1. Broken or cracked teeth

Broken or cracked teeth can lead to severe pain and bleeding. The dentist will perform root canal treatment if a tooth has cracked. If the root canal treatment is not possible, the dentist may use another method to fix the tooth. To restore the tooth, the dentist might use a crown or bridge.

  1. Loss of teeth

Dislodged teeth can cause discomfort and pain. The dentist will adjust the tooth to correct any damage caused by the displacement. The dentist will then place the tooth using an orthodontic wire to fix it.

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