Home Diets & Weight Loss Are You Requiring More Calories for Your Period?

Are You Requiring More Calories for Your Period?

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Consume More Calories on Your PeriodYour weight is usually determined by your calorie intake. Menstruating women must consume more calories than normal. There is more to calorie tracking than eating lots of food. You can learn more about your menstrual cycle to determine whether you need to consume more calories to maintain your current weight.

This article will discuss how to track your calorie intake throughout your menstrual cycle. It’ll also explain why it’s important to keep track of your daily calories.

Tracking Calories Using Your Cycle:

Phases of menstrual cycleHow much energy you use will depend on your menstrual cycle. You may need to adjust the amount of calories you consume each day depending on what phase you are in. This is your cycle and how it relates to calories.

#1 Follicular Phase:

These are the first 14 days of your period. This time your body runs smoothly and you don’t usually feel hungry. The follicular phase is when testosterone and estrogen levels are highest, which can help you achieve better results in the gym. You should reduce calories if you are trying to lose weight.


#2- Luteal Phase

The luteal phase is the next 14 days of your period. As your period approaches, you will likely crave different types of food during this time. You burn more calories in the luteal phase, which influences your resting metabolic rates. You should increase your calorie intake by 200-300 calories because hormones are constantly changing.

#3 Menstrual Phase:

When the uterus lining sheds each month, the menstrual phase starts. This phase can last from 3-7 days. You may eat more during this period as you are more aware of hunger cues. People who are in a calorie deficit should stick to their recommended daily calorie intake and not eat less.

Why is it important to track your cycle?


Important to Track Your CycleBiohacking wellness is about understanding how your menstrual cycle impacts your calorie intake. This helps you understand the effects of hormones on your appetite. It’s important to not question why you feel hungry, but to try to understand the root cause. Understanding your body’s cycle will help you avoid feeling bloated and overeating.

Tracking your cycle can help you spot mood swings and weight loss. Some women experience extreme mood swings the week prior to their period. These mood swings can be caused by fluctuations in estrogen or progesterone levels.



Tracking your cycle can also help you understand skin conditions and hair loss. Some women have breakouts during the luteal stage. Your skin becomes oilier when your progesterone levels rise. It’s much easier to track your cycles and to adjust your skincare products to prevent skin problems.

Different apps can help you track your menstrual cycle. These apps will ask you questions about your periods and give you information based upon your answers. To get an idea of the correlation between your symptoms and your cycle, you can add them to the app.

How many calories should I consume during my cycle?


Foods for a Clearer EyesightYour age, height, weight and activity level will determine how many calories you need each day. An average adult requires between 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. If you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, however, you can increase or decrease the amount of calories that you consume.



Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is another factor that can influence your recommended calorie intake. Your body needs to keep alive approximately 1,800 calories per day. The average person consumes approximately 1,800 calories per day simply by performing their daily tasks. Your RMR will be greater if you are an active person who does regular exercise.

Knowing your RMR can help you figure out how many calories you should be consuming each day, regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or gain some. There are many online calculators that can help you calculate your RMR. These calculators will ask about your gender, age and height as well as your physical activity level. These answers will be used to calculate your RMR.

When determining women’s caloric intake, it is important to consider their menstrual cycles. The RMR of women varies through their menstrual cycle. Women with regular cycles are more likely to consume calories in the menstrual and luteal phases than they are during ovulation or follicular phases.

The bottom line:

It is very beneficial to track your menstrual cycle for several reasons. This gives you an insight into your biology and allows you to determine how many calories are necessary to maintain a healthy weight. You can also track your cycles to understand your moods, skin and other symptoms. You can then find ways to improve the quality of your overall health .

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